To earn your degree, your dissertation will be the most important paper that you’ll submit. Ironically, the dissertation is the most hurriedly written paper for the students. But, it need not be this way. SubmitAssignments renders dissertation help online and writes the finest dissertations for your requirements.

 Surprisingly, the percentage of students that do their dissertation work right is only minuscule. These students plan the dissertation step-by-step and then successively progress to each step in dissertation writing, ending with a conclusion.

The problem that students often face is that they are not able to come up with the right sort of estimation regarding how much time they will take to write their dissertation. So, when the deadline for submission draws close, they might have to spend a fortnight working all night.

There are even cases wherein the sheer amount of work that goes into writing a dissertation overwhelms a student. The student begins to feel nervous and keeps procrastinating.

Dissertation help online for students’ benefit

To address this problem, our experts at SubmitAssignments have got together to create this guide on writing dissertations. This guide covers aspects such as planning, which is often one of the most ignored steps in writing a dissertation.

The following discusses what you should be doing to ensure that your work on your dissertation keeps productive and does not overwhelm you much.

1.      Be sure about your field of interest

You’ll be spending a few months writing your dissertation. In such a scenario, it becomes important to carefully think about the topic for your dissertation. You’ll spend a reasonable bit of time working on this topic.

It is best to go for a topic that will delight you when you read out your dissertation. So, do some research work in your spare time to be sure about the gaps in knowledge. This, you’ll address by doing further research. Do it before you declare your topic.

2.      Take the services of a thesis advisor

You should take the advice and recommendations of a thesis advisor when writing your dissertation. This individual will act as a guide and mentor for you. He’d not just keep you on track, but when emergency braking becomes a must, this person comes in to be handy.

It is best to take the services of a thesis advisor who shares a good compatibility with you. Your advisor could arouse your interest in an academic area that you never knew existed earlier.

3.      Negotiations over the topic

A student will get to this stage after defining his field of interest. Discuss the topics that you have selected with your essay advisor, who is likely to be one of the faculty members.

In several universities, instructors keep some topics for research and dissertations handy with them. They encourage their students to explore these topics.

So, when you like a topic that your essay advisor recommends, it’s a great match. If you prefer a slight shift to your topic, you should recommend the same.

When you are both satisfied with the topic, you could request your thesis advisor to recommend sources for researching the topic.

4.      Finalize the methodology

The methodology aspect has a lot to do with the discipline, nature of the research question, topic, and available sources. The methodology seeks some time to think over it because there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

You should discuss the issue with your essay advisor, who would have much more experience in research. Based on your chosen topic, he might recommend qualitative methods that explore ideas or quantitative methods that test a hypothesis. Experiential and descriptive methods might also find room here.

Other associated challenges include access to secondary data or collecting primary data. The latter involves lab experiments, distributing questionnaires, working in focus groups, conducting interviews, or similar methodologies. You may want to read others’ dissertations to have a fairer idea of how to go about the processes.

5.      Drawing an outline

Outlining the general structure of the dissertation is important before you plan out your work. Here, you’ll include an introduction that specifies the subject of examination and the procedure used for the same.

Next, you’ll get to the main body which will feature definitions, studies, arguments, etc. Your dissertation will end with a conclusion, and you will also mention a summary that lists your findings.

Literature review and results might also make some sections of your dissertations. This is widely subject to the department and dissertation requirements.

You may choose to add additional sections to your dissertation after you start writing. Some sections might have to go. A draft outline is primarily there for planning purposes.

6.      Create a detailed plan

Creating a detailed plan will have a lot to do with refining the generalized outline that your essay advisor shares with you. This detailed plan will bear the appearance of research stages combined with write-up sections.

Here it becomes important to break down your project into smaller sections and define a deadline for completing each part. Feel free to change the direction during the writing stages of your dissertation. People do it all the time. With your plan in place, the focus will lie on the end result.

7.      Incorporate your plan into your schedule

Sticking to your plan is the tough bit for many students. It calls for some daily work and effort. The study load will seek your attention and may become overwhelming at times. Avoid procrastination at this time and work to your schedule.

8.      Record your progress

Reliance on memory may not do the needful at this stage. You should track the sources and notes. Ideas will retain relevance months down the line when they are to be reused or applied. Keep notes regarding the author and the source to avoid risking plagiarism.

Writing a dissertation calls for some serious information management skills. You may choose to use an Excel sheet to maintain your records. Alternatively, you may go for a project management tool such as Asana, Trello, or Evernote.

9.      Keep in touch with your advisor

Your advisor could forward his guidance over a host of matters, such as planning, centering down on the sources, or understanding the material. Create an agenda for the meeting and meet your advisor after scheduling a meeting. Ask them if they could guide you by email.

SubmitAssignments: Best dissertation writing help online

The scope of the project may seem overwhelming. But when you set out weekly goals each week and plan accordingly, writing your dissertation simplifies. Make sure that you keep time out for relaxation.

If you feel that balancing academic assignments is tough, SubmitAssignments renders dissertation help online and could write your dissertation for you. Our professional writers are Ph.Ds across their niches. We will make sure that you score high grades and will submit your dissertations in time.